Portable, Affordable Strategy Games

Early Bird Special
$6 Off
Deus Antiqui & More!
Quick (15-30 min)
How To Play
Physical Copies
Select games are on sale in our Game Shop, but if you need multiple copies or want to ship internationally, you can purchase through The Game Crafter.
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Milky Toasty Magic
On a long road trip to the Eastern Oregon desert, an idea was born. How do I gamify wilderness survival in a way that is fun and educational? In that moment, a new passion was born.
As a lover of strategy games, I set out to create portable and affordable, but in-depth strategy games that filled some of the underserved niches in the board & card game industry.
Milquetoast Games is a hobby turned indie small business for the sole purpose of making games for the people who love strategy games, but want to play something that doesn’t involve war, orcs, or resource gathering.
I hope you have as much fun playing these games as I did making them!